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Sandiás is a municipality of Galicia, Spain, next to Xinzo de Limia in the province of Ourense. Its estimated population is 1,585, distributed among 3 parishes (Couso de Limia, Piñeira de Arcos, Sandiás). Its area is 53 km², a great part of which is drained fields from the Antela lagoon. This is an agricultural area. Potatoes and cereals are the most important crop. Sand extractions are also important for local development.

Usage examples of "sandias".

It struck the barren slopes of the Sandias, rolled down them, still looking queerly like a black and monstrous spider in the slow agony of death.

Before them the mesa sloped up to the rugged Sandias, beneath the baleful Moon.

The Sandias, tall, barren-looking, about five miles away, were now starting to acquire a ruddy sunset pink, streaked with dark, rugged shadows.

The glorious Sandias, mountains that had stood watch over this land since the beginning of time, remained stalwart.