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Sandel may refer to:

  • Mount Sandel Mesolithic site, a mesolithic site and an ancient fort in County Londonderry, Northern Ireland
  • Sandel, a novel by Angus John Mackintosh Stewart

Usage examples of "sandel".

If he should rough it with Sandel a bit beyond the rules, he knew Ball could be depended upon to pass it by.

The audience applauded, and applauded again as Sandel himself sprang through the ropes and sat down in his corner.

But little could he see, for Sandel, like himself, had trousers and sweater on over his ring costume.

And instantly, like a mechanism of steel and springs balanced on a hair trigger, Sandel was in and out and in again, landing a left to the eyes, a right to the ribs, ducking a counter, dancing lightly away and dancing menacingly back again.

It was a repetition of the first round, with Sandel attacking like a whirlwind and with the audience indignantly demanding why King did not fight.

The third round began as usual, one-sided, with Sandel doing all the leading, and delivering all the punishment.

A half-minute had passed when Sandel, over-confident, left an opening.

The round continued to the end of its three minutes, Sandel for the first time respectful of his opponent and King slow of movement and sleepy-eyed as ever.

And when the gong struck, he sat down immediately on the waiting stool, while Sandel had to walk all the way across the diagonal of the square to his own corner.

Two more rounds went by, in which King was parsimonious of effort and Sandel prodigal.

This compelled the interference of the referee, who tore them apart, always assisted by Sandel, who had not yet learned to rest.

But Sandel was tireless and unaware of limitations, and King grinned and doggedly endured.

Again and again, by feint of foot and hand and body he continued to inveigle Sandel into leaping back, ducking, or countering.

Several times Sandel repeated the blow, keeping King partially dazed, and then the latter worked out his defence, which was also a counter.

He gave Sandel no chance to rest or to set himself, but smashed blow in upon blow till the house rose to its feet and the air was filled with an unbroken roar of applause.