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Sand table

Sand table is a term for using constrained sand for modeling or educational purposes. The original version of a sand table may be the abax used by early Greek students.

Usage examples of "sand table".

The two silver-haired women-the age of the older distinguishable from that of the younger only by the darkness behind her pupils and the barely visible fine lines radiating from the corners of those too-wise eyes-stood on opposite sides of the sand table.

DAYALA-SILVER-HAIRED and her age distinguishable from that of a young girl only by the darkness behind her pupils and the barely visible fine lines radiating from the corners of those too-wise eyes-stood before the sand table of the Great Forest of Naclos.

Junior officers moved in to study the sand table for a few moments, then returned to their units.

She gestured to her sand table, which through nearly twoweary years had come to dominate the front chamber of hercommand tent.