The sampot (សំពត់, ALA-LC: saṃbát, ) is a long, rectangular cloth worn around the lower body. It can be draped and folded in several different ways. The traditional dress is similar to the dhoti of Southern Asia. It is also worn in the neighboring countries of Laos and Thailand where it is known as pha nung (ผ้านุ่ง).
Usage examples of "sampot".
Standing close was a woman, naked but for a sampot drawn diaperwise between her legs and knotted at the belt.
Having no towel, she used one end of the sarong to dry herself, adjusted her sampot and wound the sarong about her lithe body.
The girl wore only two garments beside her sandals--a silken sampot and the makeshift sarong--so that scarcely was King out of sight before she was splashing in the cold waters of the stream.
Old women with shaven heads went by, wrapped from armpit to ankle in black sarongs called sampots, with spotless white blouses.