Samiri (, / Zimri son of Salu, prince of the patriarchal house of the Simeonites, Qur'an 20:85 and also in 20:87 and 20:95) is the name given in the Qur'an to the creator of the Golden Calf. He was the man who tempted the Israelites to forsake the worship of Allah while Musa ( Moses) was away for 40 days on Mount Sinai while he and the other Sahabah (companions) believed Musa (Moses) had died. The Qur'an narrates that the Samiri gave the illusion that the idol was making a 'lowing' sound, and the Qur'an further expands upon this, narrating that the Samiri cast the dust which archangel Gabriel (Jibril) had tread upon onto the calf some of the prominent exegesists narrate the sound was made due to the wind entering and exiting the statue, and some may posit the sound was due to the use of the dust In sharp contrast to account given in the Hebrew Bible, the Qur'an does not blame Aaron (Haroun) for the creation of the calf and instead praises him for trying to stop the worship of the calf.
The Hebrew Bible mentions Zimri as a chief instigator of the later Heresy of Peor, and does not mention him in connection with the Golden Calf. However, his sinful character is depicted both in the Bible and Quran.