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Samal may refer to:

Usage examples of "samal".

I was born and suckled on ship Samal Haran, learned the family trade in ship Eyasta Hus, and left the world ships forever after what happened in ship Chiar Frawa.

In spite of the primitive Samal village, the dock and the city were fairly modern.

Madoc, long a sailor of all the known seas, had an uncanny sense for landfalls, and he believed almost without doubt that the continent of legends, called larghal, known to Plutarch as Eperios, known to the ancient African seafarers as Asqa Samal, lay ahead surely just under the horizon.

From this point onwards the valley opens out and is known to all who graze cattle, or who poach or shoot in the area, as Samal Chour.

My militiamen will attempt to contact all residents of Davao, Samal, Panabo, Santo Tomas, and other towns on the Davao Gulf and take your women and children out of any known battle areas.