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vb. (en-past of: salvage)

Usage examples of "salvaged".

He decided that the rope could be better used elsewhere, and salvaged it.

He still had the endural pistol he had salvaged from the survival suit, but he had no idea how effective it would be on the flimmers.

Now if only he had something to put in it, and the empty bottle he had salvaged from the wrecked shuttlecraft.

As he squinted at the male, Flinx noticed that the service belt containing his salvaged tools and endural pistol lay draped loosely over one sharply raked alien shoulder.

Then they salvaged the New Century off Libya, the Southwind in the Black Sea, the Tari Maru within sight of the lights of China.

In each case the ships were all salvaged by the 101st before the nations whose waters the vessels sank in, knew the score.

The shirt, with the fascinating design, could be salvaged, she thought, if she replaced the arm sections.