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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Salute \Sa*lute"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Saluted; p. pr. & vb. n. Saluting.] [L. salutare, salutatum, from salus, -utis, health, safety. See Salubrious.]

  1. To address, as with expressions of kind wishes and courtesy; to greet; to hail.

    I salute you with this kingly title.

  2. Hence, to give a sign of good will; to compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow, etc.

    You have the prettiest tip of a finger . . . I must take the freedom to salute it.

  3. (Mil. & Naval) To honor, as some day, person, or nation, by a discharge of cannon or small arms, by dipping colors, by cheers, etc.

  4. To promote the welfare and safety of; to benefit; to gratify. [Obs.] ``If this salute my blood a jot.''


n. The act of giving a salute. vb. (present participle of salute lang= en)

Usage examples of "saluting".

After saluting the Head of the Faithful, and kissing the holy cross embroidered on his holy slipper, the Pope put his right hand on my left shoulder, and said he remembered that I always forsook the assembly at Padua, when he intoned the Rosary.

He looked past Grant, toward the front door, saw more blue officers in the lobby, men now moving past, saluting Grant.

He saw a man, ahead, waving, the clean blue uniform of an orderly, the man saluting now.

The officers, who surrounded the tribunal, and were instructed to act their part in this extraordinary scene, confessed the irresistible power of reason and eloquence, by saluting the emperor Constantius as their lawful sovereign.

A bishop, Amphilochius of Iconium, approached the throne, and after saluting, with due reverence, the person of his sovereign, he accosted the royal youth with the same familiar tenderness which he might have used towards a plebeian child.

After saluting the threshold of the apostles, and imploring the protection of Pope Innocent the Third, Alexius accepted the kind invitation of his sister Irene, the wife of Philip of Swabia, king of the Romans.

He was pale, but calm and collected, and saluting his judge with easy politeness, looked round for a seat, as if he had been in M.

Villefort, saluting the minister, whose career was ended, and looking about him for a hackney-coach.

Teresa showed to him that she was a worthy daughter of Eve, and he returned to the forest, pausing several times on his way, under the pretext of saluting his protectors.

Valentine rose, and saluting the count, left the apartment without speaking.

The count left his box, and a moment later was saluting the Baronne Danglars, who could not restrain a cry of mingled pleasure and surprise.

Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the paralytic.

Chateau-Renaud in his turn, keeping his little cane in his left hand, and saluting with his right.

Edge took his part in the promenade, riding Thunder and, with his sabre, saluting the audience.

For that reason he decided that saluting MacArthur was the proper thing to do.