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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Saltatory evolution

Saltatory \Sal"ta*to"ry\, a. [L. saltatorius. See Saltant, and cf. Saltire.] Leaping or dancing; having the power of, or used in, leaping or dancing.

Saltatory evolution (Biol.), a theory of evolution which holds that the transmutation of species is not always gradual, but that there may come sudden and marked variations. See Saltation.

Saltatory spasm (Med.), an affection in which pressure of the foot on a floor causes the patient to spring into the air, so as to make repeated involuntary motions of hopping and jumping.
--J. Ross.

Usage examples of "saltatory evolution".

The 'complexity argument' against saltatory evolution does not apply to Stretched DC8 macromutations because, if we look in detail at the nature of the change involved, they are in a real sense not true macromutations at all.