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salt flat

n. A dry lake bed consisting primarily of salt.

salt flat

n. a flat expanse of salt left by the evaporation of a body of salt water [syn: salt plain]

Salt flat

Salt flats, Salt flat, Salt Flats, or Salt Flat may refer to:

Usage examples of "salt flat".

It was always the desert he traveled, a featureless desert with neither rock nor salt flat nor arroyo to mark it, to distinguish one path from innumerable others.

Sunlight flashed and glared off the grit and gypsum that formed the desert here: gravel and salt flat.

It was clear to Wolf that whatever the old man had intended had not come to pass, not fully, anyway, but he had had no success in interesting his grandfather in returning to the salt flat, which would be possible now that Peter Matheson was gone.

With the start of the month-long Truce, both Tanu and Firvulag from all parts of the Many-Colored Land began to converge on Muriah's White Silver Plain, a large salt flat where tent cities, grandstands, lists, and the battlefield for the Combat proper were located.

The river splayed out into a salt flat cut by bifurcating streams, twenty or thirty before they reached the sea.

To the east was an escarpment, a fault-line that saw the land falling sharply away eighty or more arm-lengths onto a salt flat - what had once been the inland sea's deepest bed.

At first the brilliant rays only reflected on water, and then they lit up a salt flat before sweeping up the naval air station runway.

All eyes faced out from the salt flat, fingers on the safeties of their weapons though the metal was so hot it was painful to touch.

Jolien, of the Salt Flat sept of the Nakai Aiel, a blue-eyed woman with red-gold hair nearly the color of Elayne's, was watching over Dailin, of Aviendha's sept and clan.