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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Salpinx \Sal"pinx\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?, ?, a trumpet.] (Old Anat.) The Eustachian tube, or the Fallopian tube.


n. 1 (context anatomy English) Fallopian tube 2 (context anatomy English) Eustachian tube

  1. n. a tube in the uterus or the ear

  2. [also: salpinges (pl)]


A salpinx (; plural salpinges ; Greek σαλπιγξ) was a trumpet-like instrument of the ancient Greeks.

Usage examples of "salpinx".

The salpinx blasted again, the urgent, raucous call to attack, and ten thousand throats broke into a deafening roar.

As the Greek salpinx blared, the hoplites sprinted through the gravel straight at the enemy lines in a massed charge worthy of Plataea.

As soon as Xenophon saw that the Kurds had turned, he ordered the salpinx to sound a general retreat, and the Greeks, needing no further encouragement, themselves skidded to a halt, and again in a frenzied sprint, went tearing in the opposite direction back toward the river, leaping into the water and wading frantically for the other side.

The brass instruments had totally flummoxed Pan's magical construction skills, until Jerry had mentioned a salpinx, a Greek trumpet.