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n. 1 A bush, (taxlink Rubus spectabilis species noshow=1), found on the Pacific coast of North America 2 The fruit from this bush, similar in appearance and texture to the blackberry and raspberry

  1. n. creeping raspberry of north temperate regions with yellow or orange berries [syn: cloudberry, dwarf mulberry, bakeapple, baked-apple berry, Rubus chamaemorus]

  2. white-flowered raspberry of western North America and northern Mexico with thimble-shaped orange berries [syn: salmon berry, thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorus]

  3. large erect red-flowered raspberry of western North America having large salmon-colored berries [syn: Rubus spectabilis]

Usage examples of "salmonberry".

He had all the survival seasons before him: the season of the midge, of the cattail flowering, of salal ripening, of salmonberries, the season of grubs and ants -- a season for each food.

Somewhere, he had come through a tangled salmonberry thicket to a stream flowing in a canyon, deep and silent.

He gave a short laugh as he pushed through a thicket of salmonberry that had invaded the track where water, seeping from the slopes above, had turned it into a quagmire.

He had all the survival seasons before him: the season of the midge, of the cattail flowering, of salal ripening, of salmonberries, the season of grubs and ants -- a season for each food.

He had all the survival seasons before him: the season of the midge, of the cattail flowering, of salal ripening, of salmonberries, the season of grubs and ants — a season for each food.

Brannock remembered cedar, spruce, a lake where caribou grazed turf strewn with salmonberries and the wind streamed fresh, driving white clouds over a sky utterly blue.