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sally out
  1. v. set out in a sudden, energetic or violent manner [syn: sally forth]

  2. jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone); "The attackers leapt out from the bushes" [syn: leap out, rush out, burst forth]

Usage examples of "sally out".

James had never really thought about the possible dangers in this area until he handed Sally out of the cab.

The only little glow of light on his horizon was the prospect of taking Sally out for a drive.

Frazer brought a container that held a day's rations for Sally out of a wall cabinet.

Cathy had never once touched his shotgun, and whenever he cleaned it, kept Sally out of the room.

Jack hadn't thought much about it, and hadn't minded having Sally out of the way.

At last she got Sally out of the river, far enough that her feet were free of the lapping, muddy brown water, and she fell on her back with exhaustion.

He hustled Sally out of the living room, but not before he heard Zeke Miller shout, “.

Analisa doubted she would ever get her last glimpse of Sally out of her mind.