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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sallowish \Sal"low*ish\, a. Somewhat sallow.


a. Slightly sallow.

Usage examples of "sallowish".

They were rough-looking fellows, dressed pretty much alike in frieze and leather, and they had the sallowish skin and yellow-tinged eyes which he remembered to have seen among dwellers in the Ravenna marshes.

Alighting from the limousine, the director held the door open for Armister-a somewhat nondescript little man with a sallowish complexion and pinched cheeks.

This was a tallish, sallowish District Superintendent of Police - belt, helmet, polished spurs and all - strutting and twirling his dark moustache.

A dark, sallowish District Superintendent of Police, faultlessly uniformed, an Englishman, trotted by on a tired horse, and, seeing from her retinue what manner of person she was, chaffed her.