n. (salivary gland English)
Usage examples of "salivary glands".
The taste of food will cause the salivary glands to secrete fluid into the mouth, and the cells of the stomach lining to secrete fluid into the stomach.
His speech was unpleasantly moist, as if his salivary glands were working overtime.
The edible nest of the Chinese swallow is formed of matter secreted by the salivary glands.
At the thought, the salivary glands in the pink folds of flesh next to her second row of teeth sprang into action.
Her salivary glands squeezed painfully in response to the tart-sweet taste.
Inflammation of salivary glands, when secreting excessive amount of saliva: Nat.
It is thought, however, that the property does not actually belong to the saccharine juice, but that if a piece of the root be chewed till all the juice is extracted, there remains a bitter, which acts on the salivary glands, and this may contribute to remove thirst.
Their active salivary glands help them predigest their food, so don't eat anything the ants have swarmed on.
It is a supreme exaltation, this moment and this knowledge: and yet his mouth is dry, dust-dry, dry as death, as if his salivary glands alone rebelled against the murder which his intellect pronounced necessary and just.
Arecoline Hydrobromide, a commercial salt, is a stronger stimulant to the salivary glands than Pilocarpine and a more energetic laxative than Eserine.
It knows exactly what to do, where to go, and what to attack in the human nervous system, how to get there and just when to get there, to convert what we have been taught to believe is the highest creation of God's hand into its abject slave, rabid to bite and so to communicate the virus to the bloodstream of the next victim, whence it will proceed again to the salivary glands for the next event.
She could not control her salivary glands, and shortly before Evon had arrived on the scene, they had been irradiated to keep Rainey from drowning in her own spit.
Gunray had to will his salivary glands to moisten his palate before he was able to speak.
The smell of food had made my salivary glands spurt to life, with a stab of pain far more compelling than the pangs of conscience.