Usage examples of "saite".
Drawn by Faucher-Gudin, from a bronze of the Saite period, in my own possession.
Drawing by Faucher-Gudin of a bronze statuette of the Saite period, found in the department of Herault, at the end of a gallery in an ancient mine.
As regards the Saite period, we are beginning to accumulate many stelae recording gifts to a god of land or houses, made either by the king or by private individuals.
At this point the legend of the Saite and Greek period interpolates a whole chapter, telling how the chest was carried out to sea and cast upon the Phoenician coast near to Byblos.
They also related that the Saite Tafnakhti, returning from an expedition against the Arabs, during which he had been obliged to renounce the pomp and luxuries of royal life, had solemnly cursed him, and had caused his imprecations to be inscribed upon a stele set up in the temple of Amon at Thebes.
Zosiri are really of the Saite period, that they replaced a decoration of the same kind, which belonged to the time of its construction, and of which some fragments still exist among the tiles of more recent date.
Under the Saites she retired gradually within her natural frontiers, and from having been aggressive became assailed, and suffered herself to be crushed in turn by all the nations she had once oppressed.