The short story "Saisonbeginn" by Elisabeth Langgässer was published in 1947 as a part of the collection Der Torso. It deals with the anti-semitism of the inhabitants of a small town that is revealed through the installation of a sign at the entrance to the town. The story is classified as Trümmerliteratur, or literature that was written shortly after the Second World War.
The main plot of the story deals with finding the best location for the sign. The story begins by describing a small mountain town preparing for the onset of the tourist season. Because the sign should serve as the first sight for all those entering the town, the workmen decide it should be placed next to the wooden crucifix. While the workmen are installing the sign, they are helped by schoolchildren, who happen to pass by. When the sign is finally in place, nuns, men and women come by to admire it. For most of them it makes no difference what the sign says; for others, it is a source of amusement.
At the end of the story the sign is standing firmly in the ground. The three workmen look at the sign and they are pleased, for on the sign they read, "In this town Jews are not wanted."