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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sage \Sage\, a. [Compar. Sager; superl. Sagest.] [F., fr. L. sapius (only in nesapius unwise, foolish), fr. sapere to be wise; perhaps akin to E. sap. Cf. Savor, Sapient, Insipid.]

  1. Having nice discernment and powers of judging; prudent; grave; sagacious.

    All you sage counselors, hence!

  2. Proceeding from wisdom; well judged; shrewd; well adapted to the purpose.

    Commanders, who, cloaking their fear under show of sage advice, counseled the general to retreat.

  3. Grave; serious; solemn. [R.] ``[Great bards] in sage and solemn tunes have sung.''

    Syn: Wise; sagacious; sapient; grave; prudent; judicious.


a. (en-superlative of: sage)

Usage examples of "sagest".

Every controversy amongst the sworn confederates shall be determined by some of the sagest of their number, and if any one shall challenge their judgment, then shall he be constrained to obey it by the rest.

A GARDEN IDYL With sagest craft Arachne worked Her web, and at a corner lurked, Awaiting what should plump her soon, To case it in the death-cocoon.

As you may recall her character, she enjoys a frank discussion and solicits your sagest advice, whether positive or negative.

I sure that my sagest deductions may be safe guides for the opinions of others?

THE preceding tale is given almost in the precise words in which I heard it related at a Corporation meeting of the ancient city of Manhattoes, at which were present many of its sagest and most illustrious burghers.

Yet neither King Agamemnon nor his sagest counselors could devise an effective system for expediting their messages.

What if I proved your sagest chapmen fools, and gorge your greedy moneychangers with the gold that they desire until they loathe its very sight and touch?

Jesus healed miraculously the sick, raised the dead to life, led the life of the purest, most honest and sagest of men, claimed to be God, and proved it by rising from the dead Himself.

Highly conceited of his own wisdom, he pleased himself with the fancy, that this raw youth, by his lessons and instructions, would, in a little time, be equal to his sagest ministers, and be initiated into all the profound mysteries of government, on which he set so high a value.

Fitzwalter marching out of the City, he chose from every ward two of the sagest inhabitants to superintend the defence of the City in his absence, and form a council of war, holding its sittings in the Priory of the Trinity adjoining Aldgate.

It was his best friend from school, Hank Somettri, who, at the age of fourteen, offered the sagest advice.

As the sagest among them knew, technology had a way of granting new life to discarded dogmas.

Finlay Perkin returned safely to Bristol, he drafted one of the sagest documents ever to come from the cattle country.