SafeCast (software protection) was a registered trademark for Macrovision's legacy software protection system. Safecast features product activation (via telephone, or through internet), and executable wrapping technology. SafeCast can be easily defeated with a keygen. (Note: In 2015 the British company Cachebox TV Limited registered Safecast at the UK Trade Mark Registry as its registered trademark for implementation of its patented technology to protect the television watershed in catch-up and timeshifted viewing. There is no connection between Cachebox and Macrovision and Macrovision had abandoned the trademark at the European Trade Mark office thereby allowing it to gain the new trademark meaning requested by Cachebox.)
Safecast is an international, volunteer-centered organization devoted to open citizen science for the environment. Safecast was established shortly after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, following the TÅhoku earthquake on 11 March 2011 and manages a global open data network for ionizing radiation monitoring.
The Safecast team, with help of International Medcom, Tokyo Hackerspace and other volunteers, has designed various devices for radiation mapping. These include the bGeigie and bGeigie Nano for mobile applications (carborne and walking measurements) as well as fixed stations called Pointcast.
All data are collected via the Safecast API and are presented on the publicly available interactive Safecast Tile Map.