Crossword clues for sadistic
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1892, after German sadistisch; see sadism. Related: Sadistically.
a. 1 Delighting in or feeling pleasure from the pain of others. 2 Of behaviour which gives pleasure in the pain of others.
adj. deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another [ant: masochistic]
Usage examples of "sadistic".
If the victim acquiesces, the sadistic offender may perceive her as an active participant in the assault.
Narcissists are atrabilious, infinitely pessimistic, bad-tempered, paranoid and sadistic in an absent-minded and indifferent manner.
His wounds were still raw when the sun reached out and probed them with its sadistic fingers as, like a cog in some remorseless engine, the day came round again.
Isbaenna realized he was likely Dochau Druery, the reputedly sadistic warden of Gaol.
Nor did the demented, sadistic cackling of Lizzie Flat-chest, crouched in her corner niche on the other side of the cabin, in any way comfort the memoryless woman.
A professional torturer, a paid strangler, a conscienceless soko who maims and kills for money and for the sadistic pleasure of it.
Kelsko was vicious, sadistic, arrogant, stubborn, and by far the most difficult man with whom Jelly had to deal in this or any of the other ten states in which the Sombra Brothers outfit played.
Type AB murderers were able to sustain enduring, though sadistic, relationships with their victims and posed the greatest risk of future homicidal acts.
Shadow, and tell him that they were going to be separated, that Mero was about to be sent to someone even more sadistic than the Clan Lord.
Nero himself is now undergoing the same kind of invasive, sadistic, yet scientific investigation that he and his friends meted out to the poor animals.
What other results could have been expected when American society began to overvalue on the one hand security, censorship, an imagined world-saving idealism and self-sacrifice in war, and on the other hand insatiable hunger for possessions, fiercely competitive aggressiveness, sadistic male belligerence, contempt for parents and the state, and a fantastically overstimulated sexuality?
Ken Lanning outlines three types of preferential molester, based on the different but predictable behavior patterns they exhibit: seduction, introverted, and sadistic.
The most horrifying and physically dangerous preferential child molester, though, is the sadistic type.
In relation to these predestined victims sadistic behavior was right and proper, so much so that it could be publicly avowed and rationalized in terms of current scientific theories.
It produced a vast amount of solemn pornography, facetious pornography, sadistic incitement, re-sexualized religiosity and verbal gibbering in which the rich effectiveness of obscene words was abundantly exploited.