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a. Without a saddle.

Usage examples of "saddleless".

Bestriding his saddleless back, bare thighs and knees gripping the muscular barrel while small, unshod heels kicked at the flanks to encourage greater speed, was a naked red-haired woman.

Nynaeve and Elayne, bound head down across saddleless horses as she was.

She gave one of her sudden springs and landed astride his back, saddleless and halterless.

All along the tortuous route they waited at windows, in protected doorways and loggias to see the maddened plunge of two dozen saddleless, bridleless horses and their honored riders.

And the idea of putting Damian on a saddleless mount was purely ludicrous, so until they found one to buy, he was going to have to use hers.

She was saddleless and nervous, and I wondered briefly at her timely appearance.

Her horse, bridleless and saddleless and obeying her without question, would tell anyone that.

Hyde Park in time to see Miss Cecily Glenwood, attired exactly as she had described, dismount from a saddleless horse.

Brak began, holding onto Ing-void for dear life and limb, scrabbling for a seat on the saddleless back of the horse.