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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sacrosciatic \Sa`cro*sci*at"ic\, a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to both the sacrum and the hip; as, the sacrosciatic foramina formed by the sacrosciatic ligaments which connect the sacrum and the hip bone.


a. (context anatomy English) Of, relating to, or affecting the sacrum and ischium.

Usage examples of "sacrosciatic".

At the autopsy it was found that the knife had passed through the gluteal muscles and divided part of the great sacrosciatic ligament.

It then passed through the small sacrosciatic notch, completely dividing the pudic artery and nerve, and one vein, each end being closed by a clot.

The ball struck him on the horizontal ramus of the left pubic bone, about an inch from the symphysis, passed through the bladder and rectum, and came out just below the right sacrosciatic notch, near the sacrum.

Vinod had also torn some of the sacrosciatic ligaments, which are attached to the narrow borders of the coccyx.