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n. (plural of sacristan English)

Usage examples of "sacristans".

Women do not do everything in Ansbach, however, the sacristans being men, as the Marches found when they went to complete their impression of the courtly past of the city by visiting the funeral chapel of the margraves in the crypt of St.

Four blue sacristans carried the canopied chair of honor, the divine tourist smiling out as if delighted with everything she saw.

The chaplain commander and two sacristans were waiting, visibly worried, and he followed them into the chapel.

Two sacristans in blue, carrying yellow-flaring lamps that reeked with pungent incense.

The two blue sacristans stationed themselves at the ends of the altar, swinging their flaring lamps in yellow clouds of incense.

The yellow lamps still flared where the sacristans had dropped them, spilled oil frying on the marble, their incense mixed with the reek of seared flesh.

The young sacristans, the sable nuns, vanished successively through the open door.