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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Saber \Sa"ber\, Sabre \Sa"bre\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Saberedor Sabred; p. pr. & vb. n. Sabering or Sabring.] [Cf. F. sabrer.] To strike, cut, or kill with a saber; to cut down, as with a saber.

You send troops to saber and bayonet us into submission.


vb. (present participle of sabre English)

Usage examples of "sabring".

The French skirmishers were running in terror from him, fleeing like game from the beaters, and in a moment he would order the full gallop and he imagined the thrill of breaking through the enemy lines, then sabring the gunners and pouncing on the French baggage.

The horsemen careered down the slope, splitting the French survivors, sabring the last gunners who had stayed at their weapons, and then they saw a reserve battalion of the Guard formed into square on the enemy ridge.

The still-mounted Ye-tai security squads tried to rally the fleeing soldiers—viciously sabring dozens of them as they ran past—but to no avail.

Shrieking, cursing—even sabring the slower-witted men who barred their way—they made a desperate attempt to scramble their horses out of the riverbed.

The still-mounted Ye-tai security squads tried to rally the fleeing soldiers—viciously sabring dozens of them as they ran past—but to no avail.

Shrieking, cursing—even sabring the slower-witted men who barred their way—they made a desperate attempt to scramble their horses out of the riverbed.