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a. Having massive curved upper canine teeth


adj. having teeth that resemble sabers; "a saber-toothed tiger" [syn: saber-toothed, sabertoothed]

Usage examples of "sabre-toothed".

Tiny quantities of fossil ivory from prehistoric elephants, mastodons, and sabre-toothed tigers (smilodons) are also encountered occasionally.

A sabre-toothed tiger, the kind that had passed from the surface of the earth a million years ago.

So i kept on climbing in the dark and the sabre-toothed tiger kept on shaking me like a terrier shaking a rat and i knew that my only hope was to reach the light above, but i couldn't see any light.

In the warm past hippopotami had wallowed through a lush sub-tropical vegetation, and a tremendous tiger with fangs like sabres, the sabre-toothed tiger, had hunted its prey where now the journalists of Fleet Street go to and fro.

Captain Jensen straightened, smiled his magnificent sabre-toothed tiger's smile and strode forward to greet them, his hand outstretched.

I wondered of the struggles of my own world as well as on Gor, struggles which over millenia had shaped the blood and inmost being of my species, perhaps conflicts over tunnels in cliffs to be fought with the savage cave bear, long dangerous weeks spent hunting the same game as the sabre-toothed tiger, perhaps years spent protecting one's mate and brood from the depredations of carnivores and the raids of one's fellow creatures.

Horses evolved, as did true cats (such as the famous sabre-toothed tiger).

Abruptly the skin on his back prickled into bumps, as if a goose had just walked over his grave, and although he knew it was only a car somewhere on the other side - sound carried a long way up here on still winter nights - his first thought was that something prehistoric had awakened and had tracked its prey to earth: a great wolf, or perhaps a sabre-toothed tiger.

Where we were standing the surface was a collection of rounded chunks of black lava interspersed with irregular lumps which looked like pats of cow-dung, big spheroidal 'bombs' deeply embedded, and curiously-shaped pieces shaped like the fangs of an extinct sabre-toothed tiger.

A single man stood no chance against the mammoth, the cave bear, the woolly rhinoceros, the giant red deer and the sabre-toothed tiger.

Not, mind you, that I've ever heard of sabre-toothed tigers meeting up with wolves but you take my point, I hope.