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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sabean \Sa*be"an\, a. & n. Same as Sabian.


Sabian \Sa"bi*an\, n. An adherent of the Sabian religion; a worshiper of the heavenly bodies. [Written also Sab[ae]an, and Sabean.]


Sabian \Sa"bi*an\, a. [L. Sabaeus.] [Written also Sabean, and Sab[ae]an.]

  1. Of or pertaining to Saba in Arabia, celebrated for producing aromatic plants.

  2. Relating to the religion of Saba, or to the worship of the heavenly bodies.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

inhabitant of the region of Arabia now known as Yemen, from Latin Sabaeus, from Greek Sabaios "the people of Saba," the region's capital city, from Arabic Saba'. In ancient times it was an important transit point for spices, perfumes, precious stones, etc., imported to Europe from India.

Usage examples of "sabean".

Chinese Sabeans represented the Supreme Deity as composed of three, 551-l.