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s wave

n. (alternative form of S-wave English)

Usage examples of "s wave".

Liddy's wave took in the display of schematics, the computer dialog, and Bony's random notes on pressures and volumes.

It was not Hemingway's wave, and in the end he came back to Ketchum, never ceasing to wonder, says Mason, why he hadn't been killed years earlier in the midst of violent action on some other part of the globe.

The Sutherland was coming down fast upon the Pluto - upon the latter's wave-swept forecastle Hornblower could see a group of men waiting anxiously to catch the line.

The Sutherland was coming down fast upon the Pluto upon the latter's wave-swept forecastle Hornblower could see a group of men waiting anxiously to catch the line.

She, acknowledged upon the stranger's wave, and sent out a locator.

Savage acknowledged Falkenberg's wave and sat in the room's single chair.