RWBY (pronounced "ruby") is an American 3D original net animation created by Monty Oum for Rooster Teeth Productions. The show is set in the fictional world of Remnant, where young people train to become Huntsmen and Huntresses to protect their world from monsters. The first episode was released on the Rooster Teeth website on July 18, 2013, following an exclusive screening at RTX. The second volume premiered on July 4, 2014, at RTX and to the general public on July 24, 2014, followed by the third volume on October 24, 2015.
Following its announcement, the show became a viral hit, resulting in many cosplays and fan adaptations. One of these adaptations, a fan game titled RWBY: Grimm Eclipse, was later officially adopted by Rooster Teeth, and was fully released for PC on July 5, 2016.
On February 1, 2015, Oum died as the result of a coma that was caused by an allergic reaction during a medical procedure. This left the future of the series uncertain for a brief period of time until voice actor Gray Haddock announced that the series would continue, and that Volume 3 would premiere in 2015 as planned.
Volume 4 was officially announced on April 1, 2016. It is set to premiere on October 22, 2016. Volume 4 will take place 6–8 months after Volume 3, with everyone having new designs.
A spin-off of the show, titled RWBY Chibi, was also announced. Episode 1 premiered on May 7, 2016.