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Russian thistle

Russian thistle is a common name that can refer to:

  • '' Echinops exaltatus, Russian globe thistle
  • Salsola, some species, including:
* Salsola kali, also known as prickly saltwort
* Salsola soda, oppositeleaf Russian thistle
* Salsola tragus, prickly Russian thistle

Usage examples of "russian thistle".

A fringe of ragweeds and Russian thistle growing in its dirt roof gave it a disreputable, unshaven look.

It came from such a direction that its path lay along furrowed fields, with never a windbreak or a strip of unplowed land to temper its force, and as it moved, it began to catch up from the earth small grains of soil and collections of tumbleweeds and shreds of Russian thistle which had come in with the Turkey Red, and as it whipped through Line Camp, Bellamy thought that if such winds became frequent, especially during years with little snow, they might do real damage.

And Russian thistle, which is what a lot of tumbleweeds are,”.