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n. (plural of rupture English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: rupture)

Usage examples of "ruptures".

Localized pressor intensity stopped the blood loss, and internal reagents threw up sturdy walls of pseudo-tissues to contain organ ruptures for the hour that would be needed for normal healing.

Localized intensity of her countervac pressor screen had halted the bleeding almost as soon as it began, and within seconds internal reagents were forming walls of pseudo-tissues to contain organ ruptures for the hour or so that would pass before normal healing processes could replace them.

Even from here he could see ruptures in main coils, venting atmosphere, spewing fluids, and the awful flash of systems failures.

Whatever attack had struck here was eight days over with, according to the cold and dried-up residue that could still be tracked and the hull ruptures loaded with frozen self-sealant.

He touched his nose, then his ears, and felt blood leaking from ruptures inside his sinuses.

Brownish water poured through ruptures in the cabin until finally, with a groan and a shriek, the wreckage came to a rest.