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running by

vb. (present participle of run by English)

Usage examples of "running by".

Aurelia was almost running by the time she squeezed past the meeting of the barn side with the yew hedge, but she stopped in the shelter of the hedge, hissing with impatience because she could not find the Gate.

They should have the scanners in the keep set up and running by now.

Even from here, beside the glacier and its continual, animal-like roars and screams, he could hear shouting and see people running by the huts like lemmings ready to cast themselves into the sea.

The car which he had been unable to start only minutes before began running by itself.

In his relief he began to walk faster, and was almost running by the time he reached the gate.

I was already running by the time it got out, and I heard it snarl, get its bearings, and then come after me.