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running around

vb. (present participle of run around English)

Usage examples of "running around".

You don't think they're all running around making different things-like God makes humans and the Word makes forest creatures and Mother Nature makes trees?

Once the house was built, said Andrews, Simmons had some daughters running around his place that Vickers might want to have a look at, although you could do your picking blind if you wanted to, for they were a likely lot.

As long as he was running around loose, she would be smart to hide.

The interior of the statue was hollow and far above us, perhaps forty feet, we could see the outside light shining through the mouth, ears and nostrils, just below which a circular platform could be discerned running around the inside of the neck.

His men had been running around like chickens with their heads cut off since the destruction of the magazine, trying to find out who had blown it up.

Not the muscles you get from lifting weights and running around indoor tracks.

We've got terrorists running around loose, and with these reactors the way they are—.

Zo ate several tabs of pandorph as the elevator car made its approach into Sheffield, and when she walked out into the Socket, and then through the streets between the glossy stone buildings to the giant train station on the rim, she was in the rapture of the areophany, loving every face she saw, loving all her tall brothers and sisters with their striking beauty and their phenomenal grace, loving even the Terrans running around underfoot.