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running along

vb. (present participle of run along English)

Usage examples of "running along".

Though we were running along within fifteen or twenty miles of the coast, with all our guards asleep in the caboose, no one thought of escape.

There was a shout from the other side and someone went running along the bank so as to get into a position to see what was stopping the platform.

You can't see it from here, but there's a road running along there, not fifty yards from where Buff was killed.

She had recently discovered a high trail running along the west wall of the tunnel, cut into the basalt where the curve of the cylinder made the wall about a forty-five-degree slope.

We followed a narrow pathway running along the summit of the steep shore.

He ripped the remnants of his shield off and flung them away with a curse, then rolled in the dirt to smother the fire running along his arm.

The city of Timoch is still visible in the distance, through the tree line running along the bluff’.

They were still running along, deeper and deeper into the mountain, back towards the tower.

He thought of a stormy night many years ago, and a terrified sailor boy running along a beach with several hundred cannibals in close pursuit.

With a chill running along the back of his neck, Talavera realized that the captain had just died, before his radioman could learn whether or not his explanation had been believed.

He had no intention of going that far, only of running along till he had come to some understanding with and of himself.

And he had not been awake more than ten minutes when he heard feet running along the corridor and Mary was at the door.

When we passed within the hanging smoke of London town, threading our way amid numberless railway tracks, sometimes over a road and sometimes under one, now burrowing into the ground, and now running along among the chimney-pots,--when we came into the pale light and the thickening industry of a London day, we could but at once contrast Paris.

He flaps his sheet at them and they scatter, running along the beach.

Within half an hour there were eight planes lined up on the ridge, running along it to the tight horizons in both directions.