Crossword clues for rundlet
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Rundlet \Rund"let\, n. [Dim. of OF. rondele a little tun, fr. rond round. See Round, and cf. Roundlet, Runlet.] A small barrel of no certain dimensions. It may contain from 3 to 20 gallons, but it usually holds about 141/2 gallons.
n. 1 A small barrel of no certain dimensions, which may contain from 3 to 20 gallons. 2 A measure for liquids, as for wine, usually 18.5 gallons.
Usage examples of "rundlet".
Smith watched them and then took a rundlet from his saddlebag and drank a long pull and stoppered it back and put it away in the bag.
Gim Miller and Ben Rundlet had a good fite, and tomorrow Plug Atherton and Diddly Colket are going to have a fite it is most as much fun to see fites as to play football.
Crockacooan on the following Thursday it would be possible to bid for three store heifers in forward condition, four dairy cows springing and in full milk, a slipe, three rundlets, and a number of double and single trees.