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run short

v. to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest" [syn: run low, go]

Usage examples of "run short".

It was a humane act, placed, as it were, to the account of his brother, one of the little stock of good works which he determined to lay up for him beforehand, in case the young rogue should some day run short of that kind of coin, the only one taken at the toll-gate of Paradise.

They would soon run short of arrows as well, and there were no fletchers making more.

He had not meant to come to this place, but he had run short of cash in Kentucky, and there had been no helping it.

No fresh provisions have been obtained by the garrison, and as their stores will soon run short, they must submit or starve.

But whatever it is, they must have run short, for they were devilish anxious to get out.

If you run short of letters, capture a few septons and set them to copying out more.

Vickers's illness increased, and the stock of provisions began to run short.