vb. (context idiomatic English) To defy or oppose something, especially an expectation, custom, or social standard.
Usage examples of "run counter".
There is an arbitrary, enigmatic element in dream-pictures, and their logic often seems to run counter to that of waking consciousness.
Could he adopt a course which must certainly run counter to all the plans and preparations of years?
Not only did his habits run counter to it, but a blaster is an extremely conspicuous object on a bare thigh.
A statutory requirement of a memorandum in writing would be satisfied by a written statement of the promise as made, because to require more would be to run counter to the ordinary habits of mankind, as well as because the statement that the effect of a contract is the assumption of the risk of a future event does not mean that there is a second subsidiary promise to assume that risk, but that the assumption follows as a consequence directly enforced by the law, without the promisor's co-operation.