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Rukhmabai was an Indian, who, as a girl, was part of the court cases which led to the passage of the Age of Consent Act, 1891 which outlawed child marriages across the British Empire. She later became a doctor.

Rukhmabai was formally married to her husband when she was 11 and he was 19. She remained living with her parents for a number of years before being summoned to live with her husband. Her husband initiated a court action for "restitution of conjugal rights".

After a series of court cases which resulted in the affirmation of the marriage, she wrote to Queen Victoria who overruled the court and dissolved the marriage. The publicity helped influence the passage of the Age of Consent Act, 1891 which outlawed child marriages across the British Empire.

From 1889-1894 she studied medicine at the London School of Medicine for Women and after becoming a doctor returned to India to lead a hospital in Poona.