Rugantino is a musical comedy by Pietro Garinei and Sandro Giovannini, which debuted at the Teatro Sistina in Rome, Italy, on 15 December 1962. Music was written by Armando Trovaioli.
It is a comedy set in the papal Rome of the 19th century. Actors who played in the first edition included Nino Manfredi (Rugantino), Aldo Fabrizi (as Mastro Titta, a historical executioner), Lea Massari (Rosetta, later replaced by Ornella Vanoni) and Bice Valori (Eusebia). In the second Italian edition Rugantino was played by Enrico Montesano.
The comedy was also represented in Toronto (Canada) and New York (February 1964), USA.
Category:Musicals based on secular traditions
Rugantino is a 1973 Italian comedy film directed by Pasquale Festa Campanile.
It is based on the stage musical with the same name by Pietro Garinei and Sandro Giovannini.