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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ruffle \Ruf"fle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruffled; p. pr. & vb. n. Ruffling.] [From Ruff a plaited collar, a drum beat, a tumult: cf. OD. ruyffelen to wrinkle.]

  1. To make into a ruff; to draw or contract into puckers, plaits, or folds; to wrinkle.

  2. To furnish with ruffles; as, to ruffle a shirt.

  3. To oughen or disturb the surface of; to make uneven by agitation or commotion.

    The fantastic revelries . . . that so often ruffled the placid bosom of the Nile.
    --I. Taylor.

    She smoothed the ruffled seas.

  4. To erect in a ruff, as feathers.

    [the swan] ruffles her pure cold plume.

  5. (Mil.) To beat with the ruff or ruffle, as a drum.

  6. To discompose; to agitate; to disturb.

    These ruffle the tranquillity of the mind.
    --Sir W. Hamilton.

    But, ever after, the small violence done Rankled in him and ruffled all his heart.

  7. To throw into disorder or confusion.

    Where best He might the ruffled foe infest.

  8. To throw together in a disorderly manner. [R.]

    I ruffled up falen leaves in heap.

    To ruffle the feathers of, to exite the resentment of; to irritate.

  1. Having ruffles. v

  2. (en-past of: ruffle)

  1. adj. shaken into waves or undulations as by wind; "the rippled surface of the pond"; "with ruffled flags flying" [syn: rippled]

  2. having decorative ruffles or frills [syn: frilled, frilly]

Usage examples of "ruffled".

Sass stared past it at the water, ruffled into little arcs of silver and blue.

The cub's tail swished from side to side like that of a large dog, and Jilamey ruffled the fur between its ears.

Her eyes, already dark from weeping and frustration, widened even more at the sight of Niffy shaking her ruffled fur into place.

He smoothed his ruffled fur and glared at the others, his aspect one of long suffering.

Sascha ruffled her sleek and shining hair in an effort to compensate for his tactlessness.

Its fur ruffled in agitation and it looked across to Spktm who was still on its feet, glancing from one human speaker to another.

The stiff breeze had ruffled his sun-bleached and salt-encrusted hair into a crest, much like the ritual head-dress of a primitive religion.

Counterfeiting irritation at her jibe, he ruffled her hair into snarls and left, whistling a chanty.

Douglas said, a trifle rat-tled though he gave a shake as an animal might to settle ruffled fur.

The light breeze in the Bowl ruffled tight dark brown curls on his head.

She sighed and ruffled his hair as they climbed the steps into the Hold.

She ruffled his hair, her eyes sad despite the slight smile on her lips.

She reached out and ruffled his hair, laughing as he indig nantly swatted her hand away.

She dispatched it with a deft prick of her knife and, grinning at Piemur for his horrified expression, proceeded to disembowel it, throw ing the offal far out into the black waters, which ruffled briefly as the snakes took the offering.

The hold faced northeast, as a southern hold should, and an early breeze ruffled the thick cushion of dust on the floor.