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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ruff \Ruff\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ruffed; p. pr. & vb. n. Ruffing.]

  1. To ruffle; to disorder.

  2. (Mil.) To beat with the ruff or ruffle, as a drum.

  3. (Hawking) To hit, as the prey, without fixing it.

  4. (Card Playing) To play a trump card at bridge; as, he ruffed his partner's ace.


vb. (present participle of ruff English)

Usage examples of "ruffing".

Sometime later we were down to four, sitting in a club in the Plaka watching a belly dancer named Janet Ruffing, the wife of the operations head at the Mainland Bank.

He paced the Slander scree's dining room, ruffing his dan and clicking his canines.

Big disaster, except that we saw all of our heroes, Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig, Red Ruffing and the rest of them.