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n. 1 A disordered collection. 2 A wrinkle. vb. To crease or wrinkle.

  1. v. make a hoarse, rattling sound

  2. make wrinkles or creases into a smooth surface; "The dress got wrinkled" [syn: wrinkle, crease, crinkle, scrunch, scrunch up, crisp]

Usage examples of "ruckle".

Astrobe, in our present evolving phase towards the One Great City, are Cosmopolis the capital, Potter, Ruckle, Ciudad Fabela, Sykestown, Chezem City, Wendopolis, Metropol, Fittstown, Doggle, Culpepper, Big Gobey, Griggs, and Wu Town.

As eventide shadow tinged the snow-clad hills to a ruckle of lavender silk, he entered a vale and broke the paned ice over a tumbling streamlet.

As he did so three mermaids waddled past them, their blue feet sticking out between tail flukes, their sequinned costumes held up in dripping ruckled folds.

But something had gone wrong with his face, soft and ruckled, anxious eyes small as pills.

The dressing-table had been overturned and the rug was bunched and ruckled beneath them.

She used to wear a cap like that one, and a sort of ridged and ruckled sweater to try to hide how thin she was.

It was far too tight for her round the hips and had ruckled up at the back, to show some inches of plaid petticoat, but the tuckers at her throat and wrists were white and crisp.

The bottle of lotion stood on the ruckled tablecloth and she could see oily marks from across the room.

I saw that the cat was ruckled a little, that the paper was bruised at the edges.

He searched out the ruckled cloth of his cloak, sought refuge under its sheltering warmth, and fell unconscious before he stopped shivering.

Me approached the ruckled up Beetle and looked down through the broken passenger window, at the seat, Jilly assumed.

It was a magnificent sight, camels walking four or five abreast, roaring and ruckling and spitting.

As he did so three mermaids waddled past them, their blue feet sticking out between tail flukes, their sequinned costumes held up in dripping ruckled folds.

But something had gone wrong with his face, soft and ruckled, anxious eyes small as pills.

The dressing-table had been overturned and the rug was bunched and ruckled beneath them.