Rucamanque is a property owned by the Universidad de La Frontera in Chile, with a total area of 435.1 hectares, that is used for research, environmental education, and conservation. Rucamanque is located in south-central Chile (38 degrees 39 S, 72 degrees 35 W), at 376 m of altitude, County of Temuco, Cautın, IX Region, Chile.
Rucamanque is a mapuche word that means Casa del Condor [Condor's house]. Rucamanque was long protected by the Chilean government because it has forests that cover a small watershed with water source for Temuco city. Later, Rucamanuqe was bought by the Universidad de La Frontera. Further details on the history of Rucamanque were reported by Salas (2001).