RuBee ( IEEE standard 1902.1) is a two way, active wireless protocol designed for harsh environment, high security asset visibility applications. RuBee utilizes Long Wave (LW) magnetic signals to send and receive short (128 byte) data packets in a local regional network. The protocol is similar to the IEEE 802 protocols in that RuBee is networked by using on-demand, peer-to-peer, active radiating transceivers. RuBee is different in that it uses a low frequency (131 kHz) carrier. One result is that RuBee is slow (1,200 baud) compared to other packet based network data standards (WiFi). 131 kHz as an operating frequency provides RuBee with the advantages of ultra low power consumption (battery life measured in many years), and normal operation near steel and/or water. These features make it easy to deploy sensors, controls, or even actuators and indicators. Because RuBee uses long wavelengths and works in the near field (under 50 feet) it is possible to simultaneously transmit and receive from many adjacent antennas, without interference providing the signals are synchronized. That makes it possible to enhance bandwidth and remove any angle sensitivity normally seen with other RF systems.
RuBee has no reflections and is not blocked by steel or liquids and therefore is volumetric (not line-of-sight). That makes RuBee robust in harsh environment visibility and security applications. It also means RuBee has no TEMPEST target or eavesdropping risks in secure facilities. RuBee is the only wireless technology to ever be approved for use in secure facilities by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE). RuBee has also been approved by DoE and HERO tests by the DoD for use in high explosive areas with a Safe Separation Distance (SSD) of zero. RuBee is also only wireless technology to ever be approved by DoE with an intrinsic safety zero SSD. RuBee tags may be detected with high sensitivity through doors, even if the asset is hidden in steel brief case, as well as in vehicles though gates using antennas buried in a road.
RuBee is often confused with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). It does not work like passive or active RFID, and has a protocol more in common with WiFi and Zigbee. All passive and active RFID protocols use what is known as backscattered transmission mode. Passive and active RFID tags act like a mirror, and work as reflective transponders. In contrast RuBee, similar to WiFi and Zigbee in that it is peer-to-peer, is a networked transceiver that actually transmits a data signal on demand, but is much slower (6-8 two way packets per second). The main difference between RuBee and WiFi or Zigbee is that RuBee works in the long wavelength band using the magnetic field, whereas WiFi, Bluetooth, Delta7, and Zigbee work in the VHF, UHF or SHF bands and with the electric field. The 1902.1 standard has been approved by the IEEE. RuBee received the Technology of the year award from Frost & Sullivan in 2007.
Usage examples of "rubee".
Polity worlds, Earth mostly, studying Rubee and Awnleeand often feeling more like a tour guide than a scholar.
Hanna was a telepath, but she knew Rubee so well that she saw it coming with her eyes.
Rubee, understanding, or thinking that he understood, and Hanna watched Rubee and Awnlee and wondered how long it would be before she saw her home again.