n. (plural of rubbing English)
Usage examples of "rubbings".
He had, Joanna knew, at least two dozen similar rubbings in that maelstrom of papers at home.
It would make asking other tortoises for rubbings much less emÂbarrassing.
Master Li said, and he took out the rubbings and tossed them on the desk.
Tanalasta studied the rubbings and quickly determined that this had been Lady Merendil's tomb.
Some of the silks have rubbings of the tree glyphs, they name the ghazneths-Suzara Obarskyr, King Boldovar, Mirabelle Merendil, Melineth Turcasson.
But Lindsey and I loved the grave rubbings, particularly the one under which Nate and Buckley sat that afternoon.
Their kisses and early pushing and rubbings were objects under glass to her—memories that she kept preserved.
She had asked Jan for paper and charcoal to make rubbings for later study.
They were rubbings he had taken from the late mandarin's desk in the cave, and they were so superb that Master Li was willing to bet Ma had destroyed the frieze on the tunnel wall so no one else could share his treasure.
As his right forefinger danced over the rubbings he quickly and surely interpreted ancient symbols and placed them in the context of a story, yet his hand chops and roars of profanity testified to lessons he might have learned at the Celestial Master's knee uncounted years ago.
At the lantern Master Li examined the top of the cage and took note of the symbols of the elements on the bars, symbols the Skilled Gentleman had touched with the brush in the rubbings, and then he turned the cage over and looked at the bottom.