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rub along

vb. To go on with difficulty.

rub along

v. manage one's existence barely; "I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary" [syn: scrape along, scrape by, scratch along, squeak by, squeeze by]

Usage examples of "rub along".

She raised a soapy hand and began to rub along her arm, imagining what would happen when he stepped inside the small stall with her.

She seemed to rub along his side and Creideiki thought he could almost feel her.

What passed between them I do not know and was never told, but from that time onward they seemed to rub along without open disagreement, though Leola faded rapidly and looked more than her years.

To Charlene Bloom's horror he reached and gave a sly rub along her thigh with one gloved hand, on the side hidden from Judith Niles.

Once or twice I thought she was going to rub along our side like a cat'll rub against a man's leg.

If I don't do another stroke of work as long as I live I'll have enough to rub along with.