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RTR-Planeta is the international service of VGTRK, a state-owned broadcaster in Russia. It is available throughout the world via cable and satellite. In fact, RTR Planeta is the only provider of Russian-language programming to the Asia-Pacific region covered by the AsiaSat 2 Satellite. To step up the accessibility of its content to viewers RTR Planeta has eagerly embraced new technologies launching in various IPTV, ADSL and other advanced networks.

In October 2009 a separate version of the TV channel to broadcast via the Eutelsat 36A satellite to Ukrainian TV viewers was especially created. This was done because on November 1, 2008 the Ukrainian Television and Radio Broadcasting Council demanded that (Ukrainian) cable operators remove Russian TV channels that did not adopt the Ukrainian legislation from their broadcasting lists. The decision affected, in particular, RTR-Planeta, Channel One and TV Center. Also, at that time, It was constructed by Alcatel Space is based on the Spacebus-3000B2 satellite bus. It was launched on the maiden flight of the Atlas III carrier rocket, which used the Atlas IIIA configuration. The launch was contracted by International Launch Services, and occurred on 24 May 2000, at 23:10 GMT from Space Launch Complex 36B at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

On May 1, 2010, RTR Planeta returned to the Ukrainian cable networks.