n. (rowing boat English)
Usage examples of "rowing boats".
A harbour at the head of the bay was empty, except for a few small rowing boats slapping against the waves, or upturned on the shingle beach stretching away from the docks.
There were a few rowing boats hauled well up the beach, higher than one would expect if they were being used daily.
Punts, canoes, outriggers, double-sculling skiffs, covered rowing boats, eights, barges, rafts, and houseboats jammed the river, all of them heading upstream and none of them in a hurry.
It is really most annoying, the manner in which these rowing boats get in the way of one’.
While they'd been talking, a flotilla of rowing boats had appeared and were coming along the Grand Canal.
From the air, the boathouse in the small artificial harbour, a structure of about twenty feet by twenty, had seemed incapable of housing more than two or three fair-sized rowing boats.
They were a few hundred yards off a beach on which a few tiny but gaily-painted rowing boats were hauled up on the sand, their nets draped over rocks to dry.
The boat that had belonged to the wrecked ship, from the frequent trips I had made in her to and from the shore, I could manage as well as if I had been rowing boats all my life.
Facing eastwards, he had the open sea on his right--with the Triton anchored a quarter of a mile out--the lagoon facing him, and the open-ended rectangle of the harbour to his left Several small rowing boats were scattered across the lagoon, but most were close by the coral reef, each with two or three men fishing with tropical lethargy, hidden from the heat of the sun by wide-brimmed straw hats or pieces of sacking propped up with sticks to make a little shadow.