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ROWE - Results Only Work Environment is a human resource management strategy co-created by Jody Thompson and Cali Ressler wherein employees are paid for results (output) rather than the number of hours worked. Cali and Jody , who originally proposed the strategy at Best Buy, have since started a consulting group called CultureRx. The strategy has subsequently been implemented at a second large American retailer, Gap., as well as the Girl Scouts of San Gorgino, J.A. Counter and Associates, the Fairview Health Services I.T. Department. ROWE tries to give managers the tools to define goals which can be clearly met or unmet by the results of individual contributors working for that manager. This focus on met or unmet results allows significant freedom to the organization to focus on fewer minute details of employee daily routine.

Rowe (surname)

Rowe is a common surname; it has also been used as the name for several places. It is of English origin.

Usage examples of "rowe".

The Plynthes whereon the chapters did stand wrought with winding and turning workes, and in the middest, decorated with a Lillie, the bowle garnished with two rowes of viii.

For else my feeble vessell crazd, and cracktThrough thy strong buffets and outrageous blowes,Cannot endure, but needs it must be wracktOn the rough rocks, or on the sandy shallowes,The whiles that loue it steres, and fortune rowes.