Routray or Rautaray are a warrior Brahmin caste, who migrated from the Rajasthan, having their roots from Rathore community, they were invited by King Of Puri in 1805 to train the Kshatriya community in warfare in Orissa. They were invited by the king who had suffered innumerable losses to his army in 1803 due to unsuccessful war campaign against the East India Company.
They were given the titles of Kata Rautaray by the King and were mainly employed as the weapons instructor or Astra Guru and Generals in the Army.
Shri Sachidananda Routray was one of the notable figures of this community . He was a revered poet and was awarded Bharatiya Gnanpith Award In 1986.They are in a sizable number in Orissa. Further details can be collected about the history of Kata Routrays from King of Puri.
Category:Indian family names