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rounds down

vb. (en-third-person singularround down)

Usage examples of "rounds down".

Quinley turned, and chattered off six rounds down the hall at two uniformed men.

The MG sputtered out more rounds down the roadway, where DeWitt must be baiting him.

First he twisted the spring-loaded rod that pushed rounds down the magazine tube which hung under the barrel.

He took careful aim down the slope, flipped the selector switch to full-auto and put a long spray of 9 mm rounds down the steep incline.

It hadn't been all that bad once they got pack animals to take the weight instead of carting it on their own backs, but Roger had brought over nine thousand rounds down with him, which had represented a pretty severe case of overkill .

We turned to the east, got rounds down at them, and moved backwards to the west, firing like maniacs.

It hadn't been all that bad once they got pack animals to take the weight instead of carting it on their own backs, but Roger had brought over nine thousand rounds down with him, which had represented a pretty severe case of overkill .

Walk the rounds down the roof of the building, dropping it on the targets.

The operation's planners had laid firecracker rounds down to follow the HE in order to catch soldiers stumbling from their shattered bunkers.

When the first men passed Kitchner he started dropping rounds down the tube.

So if half of each platoon in your first line fires, and then two and a half seconds later the second half of each platoon in the first line fires, and then two and a half seconds after that half of each platoon in your second line fires, and so on, your nine thousand men are going to the sending the next best thing to fifteen hundred rounds down-range every two and a half seconds.